Is It Safe To Have Sex While I am Pregnant?


2 min read

man hugging pregnant woman both smiling
man hugging pregnant woman both smiling

Is it safe to have sex while pregnant?

This is one of the most often asked questions by pregnant women. Safety is a key concern for expecting parents. And so, it is vital to understand what medical providers say about the safety of having sex while pregnant.

When it comes to the topic of having sex while pregnant, safety is a key concern for expecting parents. It's important to understand what doctors say about this matter to make informed decisions.

Contrary to common misconceptions, most healthcare professionals encourage couples to maintain their usual sexual and physical activities, during pregnancy, as long as there are no complications or risks involved. Yes, you can have sex while pregnant, and it can be a healthy and enjoyable experience for both partners.

According to the Mayo Clinic, 'Having sex will not provoke a miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur because the fetus isn't developing normally'.

It is important to remember the developing baby is inside the strong muscles of the uterus. Inside the uterus, the growing baby is in a sac filled with amniotic fluid; this fluid provides a buffer or cushion around the baby. The growing fetus is well protected and cushioned within the pregnant body.

However, it is crucial to prioritize safety and take certain precautions. Consulting with your healthcare provider is essential to address any concerns or specific conditions unique to your pregnancy. They can provide personalized advice based on your medical history and current health status.

When To Avoid Having Sex

The Mayo Clinic recommends using the following precautions and avoiding sex, while pregnant if you have the following conditions:

  • You have a history of preterm labor

  • Your placenta partly or totally covers your cervix. Your doctor will be able to tell you this information.

  • You have unexplained vaginal bleeding.

  • You have a cervix that is partially opened or leaking fluid. Your doctor will be able to give you this information.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Condoms

Another area of concern is having sex while pregnant, with an STD. Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be passed to the growing fetus. You and your partner should be tested for STDs before you engage in sexual activities.

Because sexually transmitted diseases can be dangerous to you and your growing baby, The Mayo Clinic recommends to, 'Avoid all forms of sex - vaginal, oral and anal - if your partner has active or recently diagnosed sexually transmitted infection'.

The Mayo Clinic recommends that 'you/your partner use a condom during sex if you are not in a mutually monogamous relationship choose to have sex with a new partner during pregnancy'.

Pain During Sex

If you experience pain or too much pressure during sex that just doesn't feel ok or you are just not interested in having sex, then don't have sex.

This is your body and your pregnancy. Your feelings and interest in having sex while you are pregnant will change as your body grows and changes.

This is a normal part of pregnancy. Some days or weeks you may feel excited to have sex and other days you may be tired or have no interest at all. It is important to honor your feelings and your body. Give yourself rest when you need rest. Do not pressure yourself to have sex alone or with a partner if you are not interested in sex.

Speak with your healthcare provider about any concerns you have during your pregnancy. Please do not feel embarrassed or awkward about asking questions concerning the safety of having sex during your pregnancy. Your doctors and healthcare providers are trained to answer any questions you may have.

Doctors and providers are people just like you. They have many of the same concerns you have. Most healthcare providers are happy to help you in any way they can. If you do not find the answer from your provider, please seek out another provider to help you find the answers to your questions.

Communication With Your Partner

Understanding the physical changes that occur during pregnancy is so important. As the body goes through various transformations, certain sex positions or physical activities may need to be adjusted or avoided altogether. It's vital to a good relationship, to communicate openly with your partner, about any physical, emotional, or mental discomfort or limitations you may experience.

When there is a concern you want to convey to your partner, it often helps to take a few minutes to gather your thoughts about the concern and speak with him/her, outside of the bedroom, away from the expectation of sexual activity.

Remember that every pregnancy is different, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Trusting your instincts and maintaining open lines of communication with both your partner and healthcare provider will help ensure a safe and enjoyable sexual experience during this special time in your life.

Take Aways

  • Sex is usually safe during a pregnancy that does not have any complications.

  • If you have complications during your pregnancy, sex should be avoided. Discuss your complications with your doctor.

  • Avoid sex if you OR your partner have a sexually transmitted disease.

  • Wear a condom during sex if you are not in a mutually monogamous relationship or you are having sex with a new partner.

  • If you experience pain or discomfort or feel tired, do not have sex. This is your body and you should honor and respect how you feel.

  • Be open and communicate your feelings and needs with your partner.

  • Discuss any concerns you have, about your pregnancy, with your doctor or healthcare provider.

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pregnan woman
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woman holding stomach

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