5 Ways to Easily Treat Dandruff Caused by Candida
Dandruff is one of those annoying skin issues that most of us experience at some point. Dandruff is itchy and can be painful. And on top of this, all the falling white flakes on your clothes and furniture can be embarrassing.
5 Ways to Stop Flaky Itchy Scalp and Oily Dandruff Caused by Candida
Dandruff is one of those annoying skin issues that most of us experience at some point. Dandruff is itchy and can be painful. And on top of this, all the falling white flakes on your clothes and furniture can be embarrassing. The scalp feels dry and flaky, while, at the same time, can also be oily. These red scaly patches of excess dry skin are often caused by an excess of candida, a type of yeast/fungus. Candida albicans is a yeast found in the digestive tract.
Under normal circumstances, a healthy immune system and healthy bacteria in the gut help control the amount of this yeast in the body. However, many medications and even stress can throw off the balance of good bacteria and yeast in the intestines, causing an overgrowth of Candida albicans.
Even a temporary overgrowth of Candida can cause all types of health issues, including vaginal yeast infections, thrush, a painful yeast overgrowth in the mouth, and itchy oily flaky dandruff patches on the scalp.
Let’s explore several over-the-counter products helpful in treating dandruff caused by an overgrowth of candida albicans/yeast.
1 - Coconut Oil
An easy natural way to stop excessive yeast is to use coconut oil. Many studies have shown that the mild acids in coconut oil work to kill yeast, keeping candida albicans from becoming an overgrowth and causing dandruff, and other skin issues and infections.
Organ virgin unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil seems to work best as it has the most natural acids to kill yeast.
To Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff:
2-3 Tablespoons in a mug and microwave for 10-20 seconds, until melted.
Pour and massage into scalp being sure to work it in well using your fingertips.
Let the coconut oil sit on scalp for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse hair with warm water and shampoo as usual.
2 - Nizoral Shampoo with Ketoconazole kills candida/yeast overgrowth.
Nizoral is an over-the-counter medicated shampoo that can be found in most grocery stores or corner store pharmacies, like CVS or Walgreens. Nizoral has 1% ketoconazole, which is an antifungal medication used to kill yeast. It is safe for most people. However, it is recommended that you do a small test areas on the skin of your arm, to see if you may have an allergy to ketoconazole.
You use this product just as any other shampoo. You can use it as a replacement to your normal shampoo everyday or every other day.
3 - Neem Oil
Neem oil is another natural oil that can be used on the scalp as a reliable remedy to fight excessive yeast causing dandruff. There are many neem oil products to use topically on the scalp and skin. Neem oil has antifungal properties. The active ingredient in Neem oil is nimbidin. Nimbidin is, also, an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
To Use Neem Oil for Dandruff:
Pour 2-3 Tablespoons into a cup or mug.
Drizzly oil onto scalp
Massages into scalp with fingertips
Allow to remain on the scalp for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse hair with warm water and then shampoo as usual.
4 - Diluted White Vinegar Rinse
White vinegar works great, as a topical remedy to reduce yeast or excessive overgrowth of candida albicans. It works by temporarily changing the pH balance of the scalp and hair.
Prepare a diluted solution of one half water and one half vinegar in a cup or small spray bottle.
It is best to do this in the shower. Although, you can spray this solution on your scalp, wait a few minutes and then get into the shower to rinse and shampoo as usual.
** Please be careful to not get vinegar into your eyes, as it will burn. If you get vinegar into your eyes, rinse repeatedly will cool tap water until the eye feels more comfortable and there is no stinging.
5 - Listerine Mouthwash
It may sound strange to put mouthwash in your hair. But, it works because Listerine kills fungus and bacteria that may cause dandruff. To use Listerine for dandruff simply:
Mix 2 Parts Water to 1 Part Listerine, put in a spray bottle and spray scalp.
Let this sit on the scalp for 20 minutes.
Then rinse and shampoo as normal.
You can do this 2-3x per week as needed. As with any chemical, oil or vinegar rinse, BE CAREFUL to protect your eyes. Do not allow this to get into your eyes.
As with vinegar or any shampoo, be careful to not get it into your eyes. If you do get some into the eyes, rinse with cool water until eye feel more comfortable.
Final Look at dandruff and flaky scalp caused by candida overgrowth.
Other things to consider when treating dandruff are the types of shampoos, conditioners and hair gels used. Many shampoos and conditioners contain sulfates and alcohol which can irritate the scalp. Any irritation, scratch or break in the skin of the scalp allows yeast, bacteria and other fungus to take hold and start to spread, creating a dry flaky and often oily scalp.
With this in mind, remember to use the soft pads of your finger tips when washing your hair and scrubbing your scalp. Do not use your fingernails as they may scratch the surface of the scalp, causing tiny micro cuts where bacteria and fungus can get into the skin.
No matter which remedy you choose, it might be helpful to pick one or two and alternate them to keep the skin of your scalp free of fungus and adequately moistened.
Please be aware of the following Signs and Symptoms of yeast overgrowth:
Frequent vaginal yeast infections
Digestive pain or bloating, with alternating constipation and diarrhea.
White sore patches in the mouth or on the tongue
Chronic fatigue or general lack of energy
Constant strong cravings for sugary and starchy foods, like candy, ice cream, breads, and pasta.
*** A chronic recurring or a long lasting overgrowth of yeast can, actually, become life threatening if it spreads throughout the body causing multiple infections. If you have signs of chronic or reoccuring yeast infections and signs of an overgrowth of yeast, please contact your doctor to be evaluated, as there are several medical issues that can cause long-lasting yeast overgrowth. Your medical care provider will be able to help you with the underlying cause of an overgrowth of yeast.
For More Information on how to ease chronic yeast overgrowth caused by Candida albicans please read this companion article. This article shows ways to reduce systemic yeast overgrowth throughout the body. And, as always, please consult your healthcare provider for more information.